Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back from the Dead

I've been on the U.S.S. Enterprise, playing space-chess with Chewbacca. He started getting lame so I beamed back down.

Big news is coming soon (really! check back in about two weeks for rad news!). In the meantime, here's a record that will blow the walls off of the joint. Right here.


TONA said...

Man, good to have you back! Hope all is well... cheers!

No Funeral said...

All is... better. I've been... resting; but I'm feeling much better now (to quote Buddy on the old Night Court show).


so no comeback?

scarlet reynolds said...

funeral directors and their staff are highly trained and professional individuals who will be sensitive and receptive to your feelings and emotions, and you will be paying for their expertise and knowledge so ask as many questions of them as you wish. They are there to help you make the right decisions in all aspects for the arrangements of the funeral.